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Cool Your Mind

Writer's picture: SuZenSuZen

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax.

~ Brian Tracy

The other day a dear friend spoke about a meditation she had recently listened to. It started with taking a deep breath “to cool your mind.” Both of us loved that phrase. It got me thinking about how much it can apply to our everyday world.

When I think of this phrase, the ocean comes to mind. It almost always looks chilly and cool to me. The vastness and majesty of it are overwhelming and yet so simple – no matter how peaceful or angry and noisy.

As I gaze out over the waves, everything else fades away. I am in awe of the power, the largeness, and the never-ending horizon. It is so much bigger than me, all of us undoubtedly. It can make our daily challenges seem small in comparison. With its vastness, perhaps it can give us a better perspective. If we can cool our minds and open them up wide like the ocean, we might be able to process our thoughts better.

I have been trying to cool my mind in various ways for a long time, and now I have a term for it! For me, this cooling encompasses many aspects. Not only to calm down during stressful times but to stop the ruminating, the judging, the what-ifs, the if-only, and the could-have-should-have-would-haves!

It takes work to put our challenges into a proper perspective. It is often hard to find our way around them. But we have a better start with a cool mind. An open and broad mind. Look at the bigger picture, and what do you see? Is your ‘thing’ really as big, important, and overwhelming as you believe it is? Do you see others and their successes and sufferings? Can you see that your mind might be making connections and assumptions that are not the same as theirs? Perhaps the thoughts consuming their mind have nothing to do with you either!

With a cool mind, we avoid jumping to conclusions. It is easier to respond rather than react. And having a cool mind should bring out more compassion and love for yourself and others. With this coolness, we can be more in the moment. If we can tame some of those pesky thoughts that rattle around in our heads, we might notice more too. Notice our surroundings and the amazing world we live in. The loved ones that make our life special. Our fur babies who love us unconditionally.

We might accomplish our tasks better and more efficiently with a cool mind. Instead of trying to do eight things at once, a cool mind would allow us to concentrate on one task, do it well and then move on to the next. How often are you looking at your phone while conversing with someone? I am certainly guilty of this, and I know from experience that I miss parts of both! It won’t hurt any of us to be more engaged in our conversations with a cool mind, and when finished, we can handle whatever is necessary on that little screen we can’t seem to part with! These things on our phones probably do not need to be addressed as soon as a notification or a thought pops up; just saying... they can most certainly wait to keep our minds cool.

With a cool mind, our daily lives might get a bit less complicated and more effortless. Imagine only having a few things pressing on us to do. With a cool mind, we can choose which items are essential and which we can let go of. It takes practice, but only some things have to be done today! Our cool minds take over when we can simply be and do without the extra thoughts of pleasing everyone, directing everything, accomplishing everything, and worrying about what others think. Even the seagulls floating above the sand and the waves are simply doing their thing. They aren’t worried or concerned about the other gulls. They are just soaring and keeping an eye out for their next snack.

Just imagine what magic can happen when we cool our minds! You might even get more ‘wordles’ in two! How can you cool your mind?

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Dec 08, 2022

Wow… that gave me chills in the best way! Your thought on opening our minds as wide as the ocean was so liberating! The expanded space can dilute toxic thoughts and make room for peace. And yes, narrow hot headed minds lead this society in a whole world of trouble!

You have inspired me to run with this as well you cool chick!😉😅

Dec 08, 2022
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Good to hear! Especially since you got me going on this phrase😀. I like the way you think!!


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